Thursday, October 20, 2016

What an Assembly!

Today we had a whole school assembly. Three of our students received awards. Jaya Brown received the Top Kid award for Middle School. Ella Hassan received a Self Manager award and Aaliyah Brunell received a Thinker award. Congratulations to these fabulous students. Your hard work and diligence in class has paid off.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Badminton lessons

Today we had our first (of four) badminton lessons. We learnt about shuttles and racquets and how to do both forearm and backhand shots. It was a lot of fun!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Book Week Parade

Last week was book week. We had a great week full of literacy activities. On Friday the whole school dressed up as a book character for our yearly book parade. These are our fantastic costumes!
Congratulations to Sophia and Ella who won awards for the top costumes in our class!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Magic Milk

This week we did a Science experiment: "Magic Milk". This is where milk is placed in a dish, along with spots of food colouring. Then one/ two drops of detergent are added to the mixture. What is the result?? Scroll down to find out!

Our hypothesis:  The milk will either bubble when the detergent is added or it will mix together with the milk and food coloring.

Our observations:  Firstly there was just a pink plate with milk on it. When we added the food colouring, it just mixed in with the milk. When we added the detergent it swirled the food colouring around in patterns and then it eventually all mixed in together with the milk and detergent.

Our conclusions:  Milk contains fat molecules.These are very sensitive to any changes in the milk. When the detergent is added a chemical reaction occurs, as the soap and fat molecules work hard to join together. This is what causes the swirling motion in the milk.

At the very end of the experiment we added pieces of paper into the mixture in order to get some tie dye styled art!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Values Assembly

This afternoon we had a fantastic Values Assembly. Congratulations to Hommer Hoo and Lincoln Whiddett on receiving the disposition certificates.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome parents, teachers and students to our fabulous blog.
This is a picture of the amazing Room 18.
We're excited to start our blog and we hope you are too.
We had a great time taking these photos - one sensible photo and one silly one.